As a home inspector, it’s crucial that you stand out from your competition and make a positive impression with the best home inspection website for your business. Your online presence is vital, and it’s becoming more important everyday. The generation that is most likely to hire you wants you to have an up-to-date website that is mobile-friendly and easy to use. Real estate agents and clients alike desire the ease of scheduling inspections online, and anyone with questions or who wants a quote also wants to be able to get in touch with you simply by clicking on your number once they’ve reviewed your information. But how do you get the best home inspection website?
Let the pros build your website
When a home has an electrical issue, you recommend that your customers seek the guidance of a licensed electrician. When there’s something that’s wrong with the plumbing, you recommend that they call a plumber. You know when the time is right to bring in a specialist, and it should be no different when it comes to building your home inspection website.
Here at HomeGauge, our Web Services Team is entirely devoted to creating the best home inspection websites in the industry, to managing your website for you, and to providing top-notch Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services specifically for home inspection websites. It’s what we specialize in, just like you specialize in being an excellent home inspector. And we’ll build your website even if you don’t use our home inspection software!
It may be tempting to try your hand at building your own website. That’s a commendable thought — but it’s important to understand that it doesn’t mean that your efforts are going to result in an end product that will be viewed with as much approval by your potential clients as it would were you to let a home inspection website specialist build your website for you.
Teaching yourself enough code to build a website is different from having the skills to properly design the best home inspection website for attracting clients and getting them to take the actions you want them to take. If the design isn’t just right, your visitors aren’t going to stay on your website long enough to find the information they need or book an appointment with you.
Take a look at HomeGauge’s sample home inspection websites to see web design that works at work.
Benefits of hiring a website specialist
In the tech universe, change is constant. You’ve got a home inspection business to run, and staying on top of the best practices in the world of home inspector websites and SEO is going to occupy a lot of time that you could be putting to better use growing your business. This is exactly what website pros are here for. We are committed to putting everything we know to work for you so that you end up with the best home inspection website for your needs. Think of website development pros as a resource, or even as a business partner you can turn to to help you improve your company, better your online presence, and get more work.
Choose HomeGauge to build the best home inspection website for you
We do things a little differently here at HomeGauge. We’ll produce your custom website from scratch using WordPress — Google’s preferred platform — instead of just inserting text into a prefabricated template. We’re immersed in the home inspection industry, which means we know all the industry lingo and can put that to work for you.
You’ll partner with a Project Manager at every step along the way, so you’ll always be informed and have a person to whom to direct your questions. After gathering your information and input, our website and SEO specialists are going to do all the work of building your home inspector website, writing the content for it, managing it, and — if you choose — performing Search Engine Optimization techniques on it for you.
When it comes to content, don’t lift a finger
All of the content on your website must be completely original. That means it would all have to come from your own head in order to meet Google’s specifications regarding duplicate content. Nothing can come from other websites.
You would also need to determine the right amount of content to include on each page, and how many pages of content to include — not just for Google, but also for visitor experience. A brief paragraph isn’t going to be viewed favorably by a search engine like Google, but you also don’t want your potential customers to have to scroll very far to find the information they’re looking for or the means of contacting you to schedule an inspection.
At HomeGauge, we work with professional content writers who know all about the home inspection industry and writing for the web. We’ll get all the information we need from you so that the 100% unique content we write for your new home inspector website relates specifically to you and your company, hits that sweet spot in terms of length, and carefully leads your visitors to a variety of ways to contact you and book an inspection.
Features for HomeGauge inspectors
We’ll build your website whether you use our home inspection software or not, but there are certain features we can include for free if you’re a HomeGauge inspector. We’ll add a page with the HomeGauge login so that your customers can do things like sign their agreements and retrieve their reports, which will help drive more traffic to your website. We can add the Request an Inspection function, which allows your potential customers to request appointments with you without seeing your calendar, or a link to ScheduleNow, HomeGauge’s new scheduling tool, which will let buyers and real estate agents book inspections entirely online. If you’ve set up online credit card payments, we can put a “Pay Here” button on your website. And if you’ve got HomeGauge testimonials, we can set up a Reviews page that will update itself automatically every time a new one is added.
Let HomeGauge do the heavy lifting
The journey doesn’t end after your website has been launched. A static website, especially if it’s on a new domain, doesn’t stand much of a chance when it comes to ranking in search engines like Google. And what happens when you get a new certification, hire a new inspector, or decide to change your service offerings? This is why we offer Managed Hosting, which allows our highly-trained website specialists to make updates and changes to your website for you so that you don’t have to worry about taking on these tasks along with everything else you have on your plate. And if an issue arises? We’re here for that, too.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that gets results
If you want your website to be more than a web address you’re sending people to directly, then you’re going to need some kind of Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. Results won’t be immediate or quickly put you on the first page of Google (if an SEO company tells you they can do anything like this, think twice — unfortunately, there are a lot of SEO scammers out there, some of whom practice black hat SEO), but results will come over time as your website builds more authority and a quality SEO Team works to drive more traffic there.
Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, and a good SEO Team will keep up with those changes and adjust their plan for your website accordingly. One known constant, however, is that Google wants you to add new, original, relevant content to your website on a regular basis. This means that for the best home inspection website, you’re going to need to blog — or let HomeGauge blog for you as part of our SEO Builder program. You can find examples of our blog posts by reviewing the sites on our sample home inspector websites page.
A blog post needs to be completely unique, so you can’t use any content you’ve found on other websites. You’ll need to write posts of a particular length and format them in such a way that they’re going to be the most pleasing to Google. Also, remember who you’re writing for — your post is not for other home inspectors, but rather your clients and potential clients (home buyers, homeowners, and the community)… and for the search engines, which means you’ll need to keyword the blog post according to best practices. If you don’t think you’ll have the time to blog — and to do it the right way — then let the SEO Team at HomeGauge take care of this task for you!
If you want the best home inspection website, now is the time to utilize a team of website specialists as a resource to help better your online presence. Website pros will help by building you a website that meets — or even exceeds — industry standards and wows your potential customers, while making everything they need available at the click of a button. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-designed, well-optimized website to help you make the right impression and grow your business!
Take a look at HomeGauge’s sample websites for home inspectors. Ready to dive in? Call 828-254-2030 or purchase a home inspector website built by HomeGauge.