The Gauge Podcast: Natalie Jenkins — June 19, 2024

In our latest episode of The Gauge, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Natalie Jenkins, a licensed home inspector who brings over 30 years of construction experience to her thriving inspection business. Her journey from the construction field to launching her own home inspection company is inspiring, and her insights are invaluable to both new and seasoned inspectors alike.

Natalie shares her story, from preparing for the rigorous home inspector exam to overcoming the challenges of starting her own business. She dives into how she grew her client base and the role of FABI (Florida Association of Building Inspectors) in her success. With a background in roofing, plumbing, and property management, Natalie highlights the essential skills aspiring inspectors need to stand out in the industry.

Natalie dishes advice for those looking to enter the inspection field, touching on actionable insights, from leveraging mentorships to building a reputation through quality service. Whether you’re just starting or looking to grow your inspection business, her episode is a must-listen for any professional aiming to take their career to the next level.

Listen to the full episode

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Visit Natalie’s website to learn more about her services and journey as a home inspector.

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