Workphone: 1-866-451-7626
David Fernandez
Roam RV Inspections is proud to assist future RV Buyers in making a well-informed decision regarding their next RV Purchase. Rather a new RV purchaser buying their first rig, or an experienced RV’er looking to upgrade from their current rig, Roam RV Inspections can assist you in making the best purchase for yourself and your specific needs.
Why get your RV inspected you ask?
Well, would you purchase a home without it getting inspected beforehand? In most cases, said home inspection can be the determining factor if you wish to proceed with the purchase or back out and wait for something that is truly move-in ready to become available.
Why was Roam RV Inspections created?
In 2022 it was time for us to upgrade our RV after deciding to become full-timers. During the purchase process, we discussed getting the brand-new RV inspected in front of the salesman who looked us in the eye and asked us "Why? As it's a brand-new rig". Sad to say, we did not listen to our intuition and ended up paying for it heavily as we spent months taking the RV back to the dealer in order to get items fixed, at times being in the shop all day, only to be to be told to bring the RV back in the following week. After said ordeal, we became advocates that everyone should get their RVs inspected, as we would not have purchased our new RV had we known all the issues beforehand.
At Roam RV Inspections, we are passionate about the RV Lifestyle and want to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to be made aware of the underlying issues before proceeding with the purchase of their next RV.
Please feel free to contact us at 1-866-451-7626 or visit us at
NRVIA Certified Inspector RVTAA Registered RV Technician
David launched Roam RV Inspections to assist customers in making a well-informed decision regarding their next RV purchase. David is a Certified RV Inspector through the NRVIA, and a Registered RV Technician through the RVTAA.