Our mission is to protect your RV investment. As the buyer, our detailed inspection; will help you make an educated purchase decision, by giving you the information to negotiate with confidence. If you’re the seller, our unbiased, thorough inspection report will help you assure your customer that the RV they are purchasing from you, is a great match. RV’s can look great on the surface, but there can be many hidden issues that a quick glance can’t detect. We want you to make lasting memories in your RV, rather than fall into a money pit! From 1st time RV’ers to seasoned Full-Timers, buying an RV, whether new or used, can be a daunting task. Our goal is to take the worry and stress of the unknown out of the equation. We pride ourselves in giving an unbiased, 3rd party inspection, that gives you a look behind the curtain, that will allow you to purchase with confidence. Professional~Dependable~Reliable~NO BULL!! We want your next adventure to be a stress-free journey, not a fail along the trail. It’s not about the destination, its about the journey!! This is the beginning of your journey, call us today!
email: info@blueoxrvinspection.com
802-535-4176 or 802-274-4494
NRVIA Certified RV Inspector /
NRVTAA Registered RV Technician /
Blue Ox Endorsed RV Inspector
Blue Ox RV Inspection has over 40 years RV'ing experience from both the buyer and seller perspective. It will be my pleasure to feel rewarded to have helped out another future RV family! Join our family of Blue Ox Happy Campers!