The Community Team
Our Mission
At HomeGauge, we care deeply for our inspectors. The Community Team represents the voice of HomeGauge’s eagerness to listen, assist, and grow, and our desire to benefit the inspection industry, as well as the individuals who this industry comprises. We strive to create and foster an environment in which inspector supports inspector, sharing in our spirit and vision of a community united. Ensuring that inspectors’ voices are heard by HomeGauge is also a key part of the Community Team’s mission. The Community Team is made up of HomeGauge employees from various parts of the company, all of whom share HomeGauge’s passion for offering an exceptional experience to our inspectors through engagement, outreach, and additional activities.
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Announcements & Upcoming Events
Join the New HomeGauge Community Facebook Group
We’ve created a new Facebook group for HomeGauge inspectors and other members of the inspection industry. It’s called the HomeGauge Community group, and inspectors, real estate professionals, and others are invited to join and participate along with the near-700 of...
New HomeGauge Advisory Council Holds First Meeting
On September 15th, 2021, an initiative sponsored by the HomeGauge Community Team came to fruition when the newly formed HomeGauge Advisory Council held its first meeting. At HomeGauge, we look to our customers as industry experts and rely on their expertise to...
Announcing the HomeGauge Community Forum!
Looking for additional ways to connect with HomeGauge and with other HomeGauge users? Check out our new HomeGauge Community Forum! The Community Forum provides our team a more direct line of communication with our Inspectors outside of software support, allowing us...
HomeGauge Community Team Announcement
We at HomeGauge are so excited to announce the formation of the Community Team. We miss connecting with you, and it’s been far too long since we’ve actively engaged with our inspectors in the way we so dearly have wanted to. This is partly due to the COVID-19...
Take a Look at Our Growing Collection of Learning Center Articles!
Visit the HomeGauge Learning Center to find our library of more than 50 articles for inspectors at every stage of their career, real estate agents, and home buyers and sellers. We are continuing to add to this resource, so be sure to bookmark this page! In our...
Interact With Us!
The HomeGauge Community Team Members



