HomeGauge News Alert June 2015

HomeGauge Training | Clean Master | Windows 10 | Free InterNACHI Membership

Only 4 Seats Left

Only 4 Seats Left for July's Training in Asheville!

Don't dawdle, our Florida training in June SOLD OUT and we only have 4 spots left for July's 3-day HomeGauge training class in Asheville, NC.

Dates: July 16-18, 2015

This 3-day training is all about SPEED! Learn how to use HG5, the HGC, and cut down your report writing time. This intense training class will cover in-depth use of the HomeGauge Software, including extensive customization of your report template. PLUS, create mock reports with real props and cross-sections of homes using the HG Companion or a tablet pc. Cost for the class is $300 for the first attendee, $200 for each additional (from the same company). Space is limited, so call to reserve your spot today — 828.254.2030.

Training and Webinar Schedule

Android Tip
Android: Clean Master Warning

We have found that the Android app Clean Master is clearing out users' files, including HomeGauge Report Files. It looks like a recent update of this app is causing issues, not only with HomeGauge files, but other types of files on users' phones. We recommend removing this app at this time from your Android device if you're using the HomeGauge Companion. If you've otherwise experienced files disappearing on your Android device, check to see if this app is installed and remove it if necessary.

Windows 10
Windows 10

For those running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1, you've probably noticed the Get Windows 10 icon in your taskbar. This allows you to reserve your free upgrade, and likely reserve a position in the upgrade queue when it becomes available. This free upgrade will be available for one year starting on July 29, 2015. We've started to get a few questions about Windows 10 and thought we'd answer a couple here.

Will HomeGauge run on Windows 10?


What's new in Windows 10?

There are quite a few new features, such hologram technology, universal Office apps, Cortana (Window's digital assistant), gaming improvements — but the difference that may affect our users the most is that Windows 10 will have two web browsers. Windows 10 will ship with both Internet Explorer 11 and Spartan, Microsoft's new, uncluttered browser. We will talk more about Spartan in a future news alert when we get more experience with it and will let you know if we find any issues.

So, should I upgrade to Windows 10?

Yes, but as with any major OS update, it may be a good idea to give it a few months to let Microsoft sort out any problems. Also, not every device will be able to support the update, but most will.

Get Your Free InterNACHI Membership Here

InterNACHIInterNACHI and Nick Gromicko are still offering any HomeGauge Services user a 6 month membership to the largest association in the inspection industry! All you have to do is send me an email — russell@homegauge.com — and request it. This is for anyone who has not already been a member of InterNACHI.

If you like us on Facebook, you will be the first to find out about our next training class. Plus, like us now...and we will like you back!

Until next time,
Russell Buchanan
HomeGauge, President